Lvl2 Day 2 Backbends
1 x 5 slow reps @75% effort (both directions)
Do this with Left arm and then immediately go into the sleeper stretch on the Left. Then repeat with the Right.
A2: Sleeper Stretch PAILs RAILs
1 x 90s passive, 10s push into hand, 10s push down to floor, 30s passive
Don’t go all out effort on your first try with this stretch. Spend 2-3 weeks building up to more and more tension.
3 x all the way through
2-5 normal cat camels 10s with an arched spine finding the muscles in the thoracic 10-20s pulling hands and knees together, still maximally squeezing muscles in thoracic 10s in a rounded position driving hands and knees away from each other.
B2: Segmented shoulders and spine on the wall
3 x 8-12 beautiful reps
Really take your time to try and figure out how to segmentally move shoulders and spine. If you can think about actively pulling yourself into the stretch. For an added bonus you can hold the end position for 30-45s or 10 breaths.
C1: Bridge Beginnings - 3 levels
3 x TBC on level
Lvl1. Standing Lean Back 5 reps + 10-30s on last rep
Lvl2. Elevated Feet Bridge Hold 10-30s
Lvl3. Elevated Feet Bridge Push-Ups 5-10r + 10s hold
3 x 60s (each side)
Go hunting for tightness through the quads. Play with isometrics to target lines of tension.
3 x 4-10 reps
D2: Hip Flexor Isometric both ways
3 x 90s total work (each side)
Go hunting for a stretch through the hip flexors. Perform an isometric dragging the knee forward for 10s - try to maximise the tension in the hip flexor. Then squeeze glutes and try to pull yourself deeper into the stretch for 10s.
E1: Bridge Pushing Sequence (feet elevated)
3 x 3-10 push-ups + 10-30s hold
3 x 3-10r
This is To give a little relief to the lower back between bridge pushing work. Do as many rocks as feel good.