Pull + Hammy & Quad Mobility
A1: Chin-Ups / On Toes Chin-Ups Drop Set
3 x 8-10r
With either a bar or rings set at around face height use your toes to support hitting all 10 reps of these chin-ups. Try to minimise how much you support yourself with your toes - so more weight is in your hands.
If you can do a few chin-ups do as many as is possible then finish the 8-10r with the on toes version.
A2: Single Leg Good Mornings + lift
3 x 10 reps + 10s lift (each side)
The focus here is to stretch through the hamstring - if you feel a stretch through the back of the knee bend the leg a little.
B1: Ring Rows
3 x 12-15 reps
All about finding your lats and getting them working hard!! The further you walk your feet forward the more difficult it will get.
B2: Quad 30/30/30 wall, standing, kneeling
1 x 30s passive, 30s pushing, 10s pulling + 10-60s passive on each leg
Lvl1. Knee away from wall
Lvl2. Knee on wall
Lvl3. Cross Body
Regardless of the level go hunting to create the most intense stretch possible through the quads. To do this tuck your hips (Posterior Pelvic Tilt) and try to square them up.
C1: Bicep Curls or Bicep Ring Rows
2-3 x 45-75 seconds
Go hunting for as much work through the bicep as possible. Start with a light weight and try to go to failure.
3 x (3x10s squeeze + 5-10 breaths)
First hunt for a stretch through the hip flexor, tuck and square the hips. When you find the stretch perform an isometric using the hip flexors to drive the knee forwards for 5 to 10s. Relax and repeat.
3 x (3 x 10s pushing down)
Use a small weight 5-10kg if you have it. For each 10s of work squeeze the quads and try to elongate through the spine to push the hands as far down as possible.
3 x 10r work
Set up in a lunge and try to keep the hips as close to the floor as possible. Make sure you lock the back leg out each time, squeeze the quads and get the glute firing too.
3 x 10r (both sides)
Get something soft for the knee and something to slide the front foot on. Keep the quad engaged as you slide out to protect the knee. Try to keep the hips square throughout.