Lvl2 Day 1 Hamstrings & Hip Flexors
2 x 10-15r (each side)
Aim here is to get s good stretch through the calves so maximise arching the lower back and aiming to get heel to the floor
A2: Supine leg extensions (bent>straight)
2 x 10r (both sides)
If you feel pulling behind the knee (sciatic nerve) with a flexed foot - keep the foot flexed to help floss the nerve.
A3: Supine straight leg lifts (Straight)
2 x 10r (both sides)
Hold the top of each rep for a moment and really squeeze the quads.
3 x (10s + 10s + 10s push down)
Squeeze those quads and allow the weight to pull you deep into this stretch. As you get more comfortable think about letting the weight shift forwards in the feet.
3 x 45-60s each side
This is here to try and release the quads before getting deeper int the hip flexors with the PAILs & RAILs
1 round each side
1 round =
90s passive, 10s driving knee forwards, 10s driving knee backwards, 30s passive
Repeat ‘10s driving knee forwards, 10s driving knee backwards, 30s passive’ once or twice more.
D1: Single Leg Good Morning + Lift
3 x 10 reps + 10s of lift
E1: Front split slides, rear knee down
3 x 10r (each side)
Get something soft for the knee and something to slide the front foot on. Keep the quad engaged as you slide out to protect the knee. Try to keep the hips square throughout.