Dedicated Shoulders
A1: Sleeper Stretch PAILs RAILs
1 x 90s passive, 10s push into hand, 10s push down to floor, 30s passive
Don’t go all out effort on your first try with this stretch. Spend 2-3 weeks building up to more and more tension.
B1: Pec Stretch
3 x 60s each side
Hunt for a deep stretch through the pecs - don’t accept any elbow pain. If you feel discomfort bent the arm a little.
2 x 60s contract and relax work
Find the stretch, contract 3-5s and then try to drop lower. Really explore your lats and go hunting for the deepest possible stretch.
1-2 x 70s of work
Go hunt for a stretch through the front of the shoulders.
30s passive
10s isometric
30s passive
D1: German Sit
3 x 10r + 30s hold
Try to get the shoulders rolling from internal to external rotation. Rock forwards and backwards. The further forward the more intense it gets. Don’t settle for any pain in the elbows - if you feel it bend them slightly.