Lunges Level 2
A1: Knees to floor reps or Quad Stretch
1-2 x 60s passive work
Start out in a toe squat, hands go behind you and knees as close to the floor as possible. Try to get a nice deep stretch through the quads. To make it more intense alternate sides, switching the position of the feet each side.
B1: Hip flexors REPS (weight overhead or on side if wanted)
1-2 x 10 reps + 10s hold on last rep (squeezing glutes to go forwards)
Use something on one side to support balance. Tuck the hips and travel forwards. There should be no pain or discomfort in the lower back - if you feel it there, tuck the hips even more. Try to work with the weight overhead but if this is too difficult have it held down by your side. Start with 3-5kgs (5-10 lbs) and increase the weight as you feel more confident.
C1: LongER Lunges mob focus
3 x 10 reps
Front foot is out in front of the knee. Hips stay low as you extend the back leg until it is fully straight. Try to maximally squeeze the quads and bum of the back (working) leg.
D1: SL Good Mornings + Lift
2-3 x 10r + 10s hold
Hing at the hips, keep the back flat and try to find a nice stretch through the hamstring. Bend the knee a little if you need to feel it in the hamstring more. Add a weight at the chest or behind the head to make it more challenging. After 10 reps, lock out both knees and try to lift the leg as high as possible.
E1: Jefferson push downs
3 x (3x10s pushing down)
Lock out the knees, push down for 10s, relax and then repeat. Each set is 3 x 10s of pushing down. Try to make this as active as possible - allowing the weight to guide your body lower in the forward fold. Use a weight of 5-10 kg (10-20 lbs).
40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest
3 -4 rounds
Twisting Bear leading to single arm bridge rotations
Starting in bear, hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Step one leg through and push hips to the sky/ceiling. Squeeze glutes and push tall with the base shoulder.
Reverse Lunges to mini hop
High Bear
Building on level 1 - now try to get the feet closer to the hands and make more of your developing hamstring flexibility!
Using as much space as you have available. Walk in a contra-lateral pattern (so right hand, then left foot). Keep the hips nice and high and try to push tall with the shoulders (scapular elevation). If the wrists hurt make sure you warm them up fully but you can also turn the index fingers out to 45 degrees to reduce the flexibility requirement in the wrist.
Cool Down
Prone Spinal Twist