Gym Pull + Hip ER
Option 1: 5-10 mins light cardio, get body warm and ready to go
Option 2: Follow along video (8 minutes)
Prep Work
Dead Hang
1 x 45-60s
Chalk the hands a little and hang for up to 60 seconds.
Banded Lat Activation
1 x 10-30 reps each side
Find and activate the Lats to support with the pulling work.
Strength Work
A1: Pull-Ups or Toe Assisted Pull-Ups
3-4 x 5-8 reps
B1: Ring Rows or Dumbbell Rows
3 x 8-10 reps
C1: Bicep Curls
3 x 12 reps
D1: High knees or Strict Toes to bar
3 x 10 reps
Easy: Keep legs bent, knees as high as possible
Medium: Knees as high as possible and then straighten the legs
Difficult: Legs straight the whole time
Mobility Work
Mob1: Hip External Rotation
1-2 sets of 60s work each side
Easy: Supine Pretzel
Medium: Lunge Pigeon Reps
Difficult: Pigeon Good Mornings
Mob 2: Tailor Pose
2 x 10 reps + 10s↑ + 10s↓ + 30s passive
Easy: 10s up, 10s down, 30s passive
Medium: 10 Reps + Isometrics as above
Difficult: 10 Reps + Isometrics as above with block between feet
Mob 3: Straddle or Pancake Good Mornings
2-3 x 10 reps