Dumbbells & Bench
Follow along warm-up (14 mins)
A1: Goblet Squats
3 x 8-10 reps
Elevate your heels if you find it difficult to squat all the way down. Try to slowly increase the weight of the kettlebell or dumbbell over 3-6 weeks.
A2: Swimmers
3 x 30-60s
Get those shoulders working with this as you rest between squats. Try to maximally squeeze your hands behind you.
B1: Dumbbell Bench Press
3 x 10-12 reps
Video coming soon.
B2: Passive Hamstring stretch on bench
3 x 30s (each side)
Ignore the talk of isometric work in the video. Just find a nice stretch of the hamstring and stay here for 30s each side.
C1: Dumbbell Row on bench
3 x 10-12 reps
Really focus on finding and feeling the lats engage as you pull your elbow back behind you. Use a weight that allows you to just get the 10 reps. Once you hit 12r with a weight go up and try to hit 10 reps.
3 x 3 reps each way (both sides)
Use the bench or a wall for balance. Don’t stress too much about the form to begin with - just make nice big circles with the hips. As you get more capable try to minimise how much the rest of the body moves.