Upper Body
A1: Shoulder CARs
3 x 3 reps
Try to get these as smooth as possible. Don’t push into any pain but try to make the circles as big as possible.
A2: Barbell Goodmornings
3 x 10 reps
Brace the spine, hinge at the hips and allow a small bend in the knees. Load the hamstrings maximally while maintaining a neutral to arched spine. Squeeze glutes and hinge back to tall.
3 x 5-8
Easy: Bench Medium: Flat Difficult: hands on blocks Try to do 1 or two push-ups on the floor, then move to a bench! Them aim with this phase is to try and get 3 good form push-ups getting chest to the floor!!
B2: Knees to floor
3 x 20 knee touches
On toes, hands behind and search for a deep stretch through the quads by getting the knees travelling towards the floor. To make more intense, alternate legs.
C1: Cable Pull Downs (REALLY LIGHT)
3 x 8-10 reps
Use whatever machine available to you. Grip width is shoulder width! Depress the scaps then pull down. Try to maximally engage and work your lats and biceps. You can play with leaning forward or a little backwards to help find the best position for you to hit the lats!
C2: Passive Hip Flexor with lean back
3 x 30-60s each side
Hunt for a nice deep stretch in the hip flexor and slowly try to arch back. Be sure you don’t collapse into the lower back - think about lengthening through the front of your body.
D1: Biceps - continuous tension
3 x 45-60s
Keep tension in the bicep the whole time - don’t let them relax at the bottom of each rep. Try to work as close to failure as possible without losing good form.
D2: Front Splits Knee Down Iso and relax
3 x 5-10s isometrics until you can go no deeper (30-60s of time in the stretch)
Start in a really high front splits (the stretch sensation should be very light). Keep the hips really nice and square throughout. Squeeze the hamstrings of the front leg and the hip flexors of the back leg - then sink lower. Repeat this until you can’t go any deeper.