Twist and push
A1: Hip Flexor into Lateral Lunges
3 x 5-10 + 5-10 + 5-10
With something soft for the knee start by hitting the quads for 5-10 reps, then into the hip flexor and finally the adductors with lateral lunges.
A2: Amped Up Cat Camel
3 x 10 reps
2-5 normal cat camels 10s with an arched spine finding the muscles in the thoracic 10-20s pulling hands and knees together, still maximally squeezing muscles in thoracic 10s in a rounded position driving hands and knees away from each other.
B1: Scorpion into Cossack
3 x
Use hands as much as necessary to support the cossack, make sure to push the bent leg knee out.
B2: Box or bench thoracic opener
3 x
C1: Lean back hip flexor
3 x 30-60s each side
Hunt for a nice deep stretch in the hip flexor and slowly try to arch back. Be sure you don’t collapse into the lower back - think about lengthening through the front of your body.
C2: Single Arm Bridge Repetitions
3 x 6-10 reps each side
Finders facing towards your midline. Draw a big beautiful rainbow with the free arm, push really strong with the base arm. Squeeze glutes and push hips tall. Try to get the free arm as close to the horizontal line as possible.
D1: Bridge Push-Ups on slanted blocks
3 x 10r
Use blocks on a slant to protect the wrists. Try to go as low as possible before pushing back tall. Make sure the blocks are nice and solid!!
D2: Jefferson push down
3 x (3 lots of 10s pushing down)
Use a small weight 5-10kg if you have it. For each 10s of work squeeze the quads and try to elongate through the spine to push the hands as far down as possible.