Travelling Push & Hip Rotation
A1: Supine External rotation
2 x 90s each side + 10s isometric
Play here to find the most intense stretch you can in the hip socket. Get really good at finding it and creating the stretch - this will be fundamental to all of your hip mobility!
A2: Scapular Push-Ups
2 x 10 reps
Lock elbows, tuck hips and use the scapulars only. Try to maximally push tall on each rep. If this is too challenging regress the movement and do it standing with hands in front of you.
B1: Frog Rocks + IR
3 x 10r each side
This is will be a key component for your full bodyweight squat - try to create as much rotation in the hips as possible.
B2: Push-Ups
3 x 6-10 reps
Level 1 On Knees Push-Up
Level 2 Gymnastics Push-up
Level 3 Forward Lean Push-up
Big things to think about:
- Protract the shoulders
- Elbows stay close to body
- Bodyline stays straight (don't arch)
C2: 90/90 transitions through Bear Sit
3 x 10 transitions
Hands are behind, separate the knees as much as possible to create lengthening through the adductor.
C1: Swing Set
3 x 10-15 reps
Use blocks if you have them. Push the hips nice and tall, squeeze glutes and allow the head to sink back. As you bring hips down try to push the ground away with the shoulders to allow the bum to travel as far between the hands as possible.