Strong & Mobile Legs
A1: Step down > Pistols
3 x 3-6 reps
Use a weight as counter balance and go as low as you can while still being able to come back up.
B1: Toe Squats to Sissy Squats
3 x 10 reps
4 Stages of progression
Toe squats
Staying high on the toes and with a straight and upright spine squat down as low as possible.
Toe squat to knee touch
Toe squat down as above. Touch knees to the floor in front of you and then find your way back to the toe squat.
Sissy lower to toe squat up
Keep the hips open as you lower down, touch knees to floor. And then come back up in a toe squat.
Full Sissy Squat (with support)
Hips stay open the whole time - us the support as needed.
C1: Horse Reps + Time
3 x 10 reps + 20-30s
Use a weight! Tilt hips forward, push knees out and try to get the hips as low as the knees. When you get the upper leg parallel to the ground push the legs wider.
C2: Lunges
3 x 10 reps + 10s
The aim is to keep the hips as low as possible while you straighten the back leg. This should really fire up the hip flexors!!