Push, Hamstrings & Abs
A1: Supine leg extension work 10/10/10
3 x 10 reps + 10 reps
Easy: base leg bent Challenging: base leg straight Lie on your back, draw one knee into your chest and keep it as close to your body as possible as you straighten the leg completely. The aim is to use the hip flexors and quads to overcome the stretch in the hamstrings.
B1: Push-Ups (elevated, flat to block, elevated on blocks (full range))
3 x 10-12 reps
Easy: Bench
Medium: Flat
Difficult: hands on blocks
To start, tuck your hips, squeeze glutes and protract the shoulders. Flex at the elbows and get chest as low as possible. Push back tall with glutes still squeezed and maintaining a nice straight body line. Do everything you can to not arch on the way up. If you’re stuck between progressions do a few of the more difficult version, then make it easier and get the remaining reps with an easier version.
B2: Hamstrings Passive & Isometric - bent leg, find it, work it with bent knee
1-2 x 60s passive, iso ramping into 10s pushing 30s passive (each side)
Go hunting for a deep stretch in the body of the hamstring - the higher up the better. If you feel it in behind the knee bend the knee a little bit more. Try to hinge at the hips, arch the lower back and avoid rounding over.
C1: Swing Set
3 x 10-15 reps
Use blocks if you have them. Push the hips nice and tall, squeeze glutes and allow the head to sink back. As you bring hips down try to push the ground away with the shoulders to allow the bum to travel as far between the hands as possible.
C2: Calf Raises
3 x 15 reps
Get a big stretch and then a big push each time. Do one foot at a time!
Abs finisher
3 Rounds, 45s for each exercise (this means 45s per side for the side plank). Only take a break between rounds for 30-60s MAXIMUM!!
D1: Cobra Arching
Lvl1. Fingertip support
Lvl2. Hands at hips
Lvl3. Hands behind head
3 x 45 seconds
Maximally squeeze the muscles in the spine and glutes to get as much arch up as possible. Big tip is to brace the feet under something solid or to wedge them into the wall.
D2: Side Bends - elbow or hand
3 x 45 seconds (both sides)
Top leg goes in front, square shoulders to the side, try to squeeze the side abs at the top of each rep. Go as low as you can for each rep, ideally touching the hip to the floor without any rest!
D3: Hollow Holds
3 x 45 seconds
Start in a little ball, pull belly button to spine, extend one leg, extend the other, hands go overhead if possible. Only go to a position that you can hold with perfect form. If you can make the abs cramp you are winning.
Allow the neck to relax here, look from side to side a few times to try and release the tension in the upper traps!