Strength & Range 2
A1: Bear > Down Dog or Scap push-ups
3 x 10 reps
Ideally doing bear into down-dog. Turns the fingers out to the side to take it out to the wrists. Start out real easy here and try to build up reps
B1: Shoulder Width Cable Pull Downs
3 x 8-10 reps
Lean back to minimise shoulder flexion and grip at shoulder width. Depress the scaps then pull down. Try to maximally engage and work your lats and biceps. You can play with leaning forward or a little backwards to help find the best position for you to hit the lats!
C1: Chair/box Dips
3 x 6-8 reps
Go all out here, let’s get some triceps growing!
D1: Dumbbell Front Raise / Side Raise
2-3 x 10 - 20 reps
Start SUPER light. Only raise as high as is comfortable. Control the lower. Build up weight and range over the weeks.
1 minute minimum breathing with legs up in a super comfortable position.
Stay for as long as you can thinking about being heavy and sinking into the floor.
Breath for a count of 3 on the inhale, and 6 on the exhale.
Listen to music, podcast or silence. NO LOOKING AT SCREENS