Strength & Range 1
A1: Bear > Down Dog or Scap push-ups
3 x 10 reps
Ideally doing bear into down-dog. Turns the fingers out to the side to take it out to the wrists. Start out real easy here and try to build up reps
A1: Ring Push-Ups
3 x 6-8 reps
The more inclined the body (or the further you walk forward) the easier the progression. Squeeze glutes and try to keep a nice straight body-line throughout the set. Do not arch your way back up as much as possible.
B1: Inclined Deck/Dumbbell Press
3 x 8-10 reps
Let’s really try and add some weight onto this now! Don’t try to use lots of range, just try and get lots of weight being moved!
B2: Single Arm Pull-Downs
3 x 60s of work
Start with a light weight and leaning back a little to make it so the shoulder is not in full flexion.
C1: Light banded Lat > IR Rotational Reps
1-2 x 60s each side
Play with the internal rotation part of this banded movement. Start super light and see how the shoulder reacts.
1 minute minimum breathing with legs up in a super comfortable position.
Stay for as long as you can thinking about being heavy and sinking into the floor.
Breath for a count of 3 on the inhale, and 6 on the exhale.
Listen to music, podcast or silence. NO LOOKING AT SCREENS