Squats, Shoulders & Rows
Shoulder Prep
A1: Standing Active ER Banded
1-2 x 30-60s of work (each side)
The focus for both of these is developing strength through the feel good range - so don’t try to go into the end range, try to make this difficult by using a thick band or stepping far away from the anchor point.
A2: Standing Active IR Banded
1-2 x 30-60s of work (each side)
Same as above!
Strength Work
A1: Goblet Squats
3 x x 12-15r
Pick a heavy weight and get at least 12 reps. If challenging you can elevate the heels a little.
B1: Shoulder Pressing all angles
3 x 45-60s
Set a timer and go hunting for weakness in the shoulder. Don’t let the elbow drop lower than the height of the shoulder. Keep the shoulder directly underneath the elbow the whole time. Work until you can’t perform any more perfect form reps. You can choose to work both arms at the same time (more time efficient) or one at a time for more focus on form.
C1: Wide Banded Rows
3 x 45-60s
Use a dowel and a band, sit on the floor and row! Really try to find the muscles that pull - namely the lats! Try to keep them engaged the whole time and work for at least 45 seconds.
D1: Wall Calf Raises
1-2 x 25 reps each side
The further you foot is from the wall the more challenging this is. Try to get 25reps each side.
D2: Toe raises
1-2 x 25 reps
This will light up the front of your shins! Start with just one set week one and then add a second for week 2 if recovery is ok!