Shoulders, handstands & building better mind-body connection
A1: IR Sleeper Reps (option 2)
3 x 10r
Option one: do this upright
Keep the elbow fixed in space and allow the humerus to rotate.
Option two: side lying on the floor.
Do full reps, keep the shoulder on the floor, avoid letting it lift.
A2: Straight Arm Thoracic Openers on a bench
3 x 60-90s
Line-up the thoracic on the bench, take nice big breaths into the ribs to release them from the spine. Actively or passively sink the hips down to the floor. Actively squeezing the back muscles is the preferred method but it’s also good (and feels great) to allow the weight of the hips to sink them down.
Option 1: Bent arms Option 2: Straight arms
B1: Wrist Routine
1-2 sets all the way through:
Wrist circles x5 each way
First knuckle push-ups x10
Fist flexions x10
Fingers towards you rocks x 10
C1: Chest to wall Handstand Hold
3 x 20-40s
Stage one is all about building a better understanding of your body when you are upside down. Go through the checklist.
- Weight over the first knuckle, hands active
- Elbows locked straight
- Shoulders elevated, pushing tall
- Belly sucked in
- Hips in Posterior pelvic tilt, bum squeezed
- Legs squeezed straight
- Toes pointed
C2: Chest to floor Handstand Drill
3 x 20s
The same as above in terms of cuing (without the wrist thing) to make the shape without the stress of being upside down.
D1: Kick-up beginnings
3 x 5-10 reps
Start with hands on the floor. Push tall through scaps. Keep shoulders over hands. Kick-up and try to find a nice straight line (like in the last drill). Don’t worry about balance so much yet! Go back to wall for now to remove issues of falling over!
E1: Bear Crawl w. reach
3 x max distance
This is a classic contemporary dance drill. The aim is to explore how to use your body to reach as far forwards as possible while preserving the rules: > Hand places, and then foot > Knee must touch behind the wrist > Contralateral pattern (Right hand, left foot)
F1: Bear to table transitions
3 x 10-20
An odd one - make sure you make this super smooth. Notice any part of the transition where you want to go fast - that’s where you are weak.