Beginning: Passive Hang
1 x 60s
Make it happen
A1: On toes chins
3 x 3-5 reps
The set-up can be a little awkward BUT let’s get these chin-ups happening. You can also use a bar and a box or bench underneath. If impossible let me know and I’ll give you something different.
B1: Single Arm Row (Cable Machine)
3 x 8-10 reps
Using a cable machine perform a rows focussing on full scapular movements BUT trying to maintain tension in the lat the whole time! Don’t listen to the video - go for beautiful slow reps! If you can maintain the tension even better but I would prefer to go for weight over time under tension here.
C1: WIDE Grip Pull Downs
3 x 10-12
GO WIDE GRIP NOW! Use whatever machine available to you. Depress the scaps then pull down. Try to maximally engage and work your lats and biceps. You can play with leaning forward or a little backwards to help find the best position for you to hit the lats!
D1: Biceps - continuous tension
3 x 45-60s
Keep tension in the bicep the whole time - don’t let them relax at the bottom of each rep. Try to work as close to failure as possible without losing good form.