Pre-Surgery Prep
A1: Shoulder CARs
1-3 x 3 full reps (Level 2)
Try to get these as smooth as possible. Don’t push into any pain but try to make the circles as big as possible.
A2: Scapular Circles
1-3 x 5 reps each direction
Get really good at making these as big and beautiful as possible. When they feel good start to lift your hands as you circle the scapulars. Keep the elbows locked, the hands the same distance apart!
B1 : Swimmers
1-3 x 5 sow beautiful reps
Easy: standing Challenging: Lying face down The aim is to keep your hands as far behind you as possible using muscles in the shoulders and upper back.
B2: Cactus Arms
1-3 x 30-60s
The aim here is getting as much internal and external rotation into the shoulder as possible. Go for as long as you can, the shoulder should feel like it’s really burning!!