Muscle Up Foundations
Beginning: Passive Hang
1 x 60s
Make it happen
A1: Scapular Pull-Ups
3 x 8 reps
Keeping arms straight squeeze the scapulars back and down to lift the chest. Make it smooth, pull as high as possible each rep. Don’t worry if you need to re-grip between reps.
B1: On Toes Chins
3 x 8-10 reps
Just like in the video but pull to a pull-up not a chin up - so palms facing away from you.
C1: Ring Rows
3 x 10-12
Start with the rings around hip height. The closer your feet are to the anchor point for the rings, the more difficult. Allow your shoulders to go through the whole range of motion - focussing on squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of each rep.