Lower Body & Backbends
A1: Goblet Squats
3 x 10-12 reps
Get hips nice and low, try to keep your chest up as you push back up. Try to get used to good breathing - it will really help to set us up for heavy back squats and front squats! Go AS HEAVY AS YOU CAN!
A2: Roller Arching Work
3 x 90s of work (2 more weeks)
The aim here is to teach you how to arch at different sections of your spine. Spend 90s or more exploring different sections of the spine and making the arch. Focus on the muscular engagement as best you can.
B1: Weighted Walking Lunges
3 x 10-12 reps each side
Ideally walking but if there is no space perform regular lunges. Perform all reps on one side, then repeat on the other side. GO HEAVY once you get the movement!
3 x 10-15 reps (2 more weeks of this)
The focus here is to get the shoulders opening without any arching of the spine. The roller should be in line with the shoulders more or less.
Use a weight from 2-10kg with hands about shoulder width or narrower.
Chose between passively allowing the weight to drop behind you or actively squeezing it down to the floor.
Perform between 5 and 15 reps then hold for 10-30 seconds.
C1: Flamingo Squats to sitting
3 x 10 reps (each side)
Exposing you the knee, ankle and hip to some odd angles now. The bottom position may be a little bit of a challenge but it will help release the hips and build strength in a stretched position.
C2: Pec Stretch
3 x 30-90s + 10s isometric!
Go hunting to find this in the pecs and the biceps. Start with hands slightly above shoulder height and then twist. If you feel discomfort in your elbow bend it just a little bit.
D1: Tides
3 x 60s of work
This starts out a little odd but is an amazing way to actively open up the thoracic and get the scapulars moving too.
3 x 30-60s in each direction
Building on the tides now. Focus on form first, then try to feel the muscles in the spine engaging. Use a mirror if you can.