Hamstring PREP
2 x 10r each side
3 x 5 reps @ 60-80kgs (we did 80kg most recently)
Do a warm-up set with just the bar to start! Key cues: > Keep the bar in contact with the legs
> Keep lower back flat and engaged
> Go to the floor BUT DO NOT ROUND THE BACK
B1: Heels Raised Squats
3 x 8 reps @ 40kg or more
High bar back squat - keep the chest up and don’t go too low. You shouldn’t feel any negative sensation in the lower back. Raise heels nice and high. If knees or ankles hurt on this one just move on!
C1: Bulgarian Split Squats
3 x 10r @ 10kg
Use a wall on one side for balance as necessary
D1: Calf raises (on a weight plate)
3 x 15r
Burn!! But I want more focus now, squeeze the quads as you push tall to keep the leg fully straight!
D2: High knees
3 x 10 reps
You know it, you love it. Lets get those knees high. Try to avoid swinging!