Hip Rotation & Abduction
A1: Bench Active Pigeon reps (ER Focus)
2-3 x 10r
The more incline on the bench the easier this becomes. Aim to find a nice deep stretch through deep in the hip capsule.
B1: Tailor Pose - Weighted Reps (dumbbells)
1-3 x 10r + passive end
Set-up with your sitting up against the wall with the feet pulled in close to your body. Use a dumbbell and try to get the knees as close to the floor as possible! Try to actively push the weights up using the adductors. If you can you can also try to squeeze the knees down to the floor using the glutes at the bottom of each rep!
C1: Flamingo Squat to sitting
1-3 x 10r
Set-up with your sitting up against the wall with the feet pulled in close to your body. Use a dumbbell and try to get the knees as close to the floor as possible! Try to actively push the weights up using the adductors. If you can you can also try to squeeze the knees down to the floor using the glutes at the bottom of each rep!
Optional Extras
C1: 1/2 Frog Rotations (straight leg moves) + Lift
1-3 x 10 reps + 10 reps
Set-up with something soft under your bent knee. twerk and tilt hips forward. The aim is to get as much rotation in the straight leg as possible. Follow this up by immediately performing 10 reps of straight leg lifts - aiming to get the glutes fired up! Try to keep the arms locked out straight and avoid tilting the hips out to the side.
D1: Straddle GM > Pancake Reaches
2-3 x 10r
Start out in a straddle and try to hinge at the hips while keeping a nice straight back or if possible with a small arch. You should hinge until you feel a nice deep stretch in either the hamstrings or through the adductors.
If this is ok you can push on to sitting in pancake and trying to reach as far forward as possible. This should be felt in hamstrings or adductors - not in the back.