Handstand Foundations 1
Wrist Prep Full sequence
Wrist circles x5 each way
First knuckle push-ups x10
Fist flexions x10
Fingers towards you rocks x 10
I suggest doing this 1-3 times through for the best effect!
A1: Box/Bench Handstand Walks
3 x 30 changes
Be slow, smooth and concentrate on pushing tall and keeping the elbows locked out. Turn your finders out a little if the wrists feel sore.
A2: Chest to floor drill
3 x 15-30s of work
Point toes, lock knees, tuck hips, push hands away from you & try to lift hands. But make sure you keep a space under your belly (belly shouldn’t be touching the floor).
B1: Shoulder CARs
3 x 5r in each direction, each side
Getting more coordination in your shoulders. Follow the video and try to minimise how much movement you have in the body - keeping most of the movement in the shoulder!
B2: Segmented Shoulder Opening
3 x 3-5 beautiful slow reps
Really take your time to try and figure out how to segmentally move shoulders and spine. If you can think about actively pulling yourself into the stretch. For an added bonus you can hold the end position for 30-45s or 10 breaths.