Front Split boogaloo 2
A1: Quad release > Hamstring Cramp
2-3 x rounds each side
Find a big stretch through the quad. Tuck hips, square hips, squeeze heel to or past the bum. Try to fight through the cramp! Passive Stretch - 20-30s Isometric foot into the hand 10s Squeeze heel into the but 10s Re-grab and try to go deeper - as long as wanted
B1: HS Kick-ups + back to wall hold
2 x 5 kick ups + 20-30s back to wall
Perform 5 kick-ups to a wall. Try to touch the wall as softly as possible (or not at all). On the last rep hold the handstand with heels on the wall.
B1: High foot hamstring work + Lift Off
1-2 x 30+10+10
Only use something that allows you to start with square hips and a flat back. To start find a passive stretch then using the hamstring push the heel down into the object for 5s, then go deeper into the stretch. Repeat this for three times in total. Finish by standing and lifting the working leg as high as possible, keep both knees locked out the whole time and use a wall for balance if necessary.
B2: Chest to wall balance
3 x 30+ seconds
All the good things here! Lock out elbows, look between hands, push up through shoulders and try to get toes as close to the ceiling as possible. Make sure you walk out nicely.
C1: Travelling monkey
3 x until tired going both ways
Start with getting the right pattern of hands and feet. When your comfortable start to get the hips higher and find some balance!
C2: Block Supported Iso & Relax knee on floor Front Split (same as last round)
3 x 30-60s (each side)
Start in a really high front splits (the stretch sensation should be very light). Keep the hips really nice and square throughout. Squeeze the hamstrings of the front leg and the hip flexors of the back leg - then sink lower. Repeat this until you can’t go any deeper.
D1: Kick throughs - forwards
3 x 60s work alternating sides
Beautiful smooth reps, try kicking directly forwards!
D2: Passive Front split
1-2 x 60-120s each side
With blocks or something on each side to support allow yourself to sink into a really nice and square front split. You can also use cushions or blocks to sit on and support your weight.