Bro Session 2
A1: Scap push-ups
2 x 5-8 reps
Just to get us going! Don’t go into retraction, focus on the protraction. I want to be at full plank position in 4 weeks if possible, but only push it it feels ok!
B1: Dumbbell Flys
3 x 45-60s of work
Go hunting for as much work in the pecs as possible. You may also feel it through the shoulders and also biceps!
B2: Bent Leg Ring Rows or Wide Banded Rows / 2 stage continuous tension ring rows
3 x 10-12r or 45-60s of work
For ring rows make it as easy as possible and keep the angle at the shoulder
Use a dowel and a band, sit on the floor and row! Maintain tension throughout the 60s of work!
C1: Chair/box Dips
2-3 x max number of reps (30-90s of work)
Go all out here, let’s get some triceps growing!
D1: Banded, kneeling lat and side bend
1 or 2 x 90s passive
Go hunting for a nice stretch through the lats.
1 minute minimum breathing with legs up in a super comfortable position.
Stay for as long as you can thinking about being heavy and sinking into the floor.
Breath for a count of 3 on the inhale, and 6 on the exhale.
Listen to music, podcast or silence. NO LOOKING AT SCREENS