Bench Press & Deadlift Prep
Bench Press Prep Options
Experiment with the rest period between the different options and your working sets of bench. 0-120s should be good, nothing longer.
Option 1: External Rotation with a Dowel
Before & between sets
Hunt for a sensation of tension. When you find tension - squeeze against it with an isometric for 5-10s. Start with 50-70% effort on these ISOmetrics on first session. If all ok - go heavier up until 90% but remember you are smashing small muscles!
Option 2: ER shoulder with rig or ring (Americana)
Before & between sets
Use a wall, rig or band. Create external rotation in the shoulder, hunting to create a deep stretch sensation in the shoulder capsule. If you can find the stretch you can perform an isometric. Start slow here creating tension through the body first. Then building up the tension - pushing the hand into the object or ring/band. Hold the isometric for 10-20 seconds.
Option 3: M Stretch into Shoulder Extension
1-3 x 30-90s
Go hunting for a nice deep stretch in the front of the shoulders. The closer the hands are together the deeper the stretch. If this is easy and you want more intensity straighten the arms and shift the hips forward.
Suggested End of session work
Close of session: Barbell Cuban Rotations
2-3 x 8-10 reps
Keep elbows at 90°, each week try to add 0.5-1kg.