Skill Work 10 mins: Bent Arm Pressing or lifting from Crow
This phase let’s make it a real target!
3 sets of crow balanced for 20-35s.
Week 1: 20s
Week 2: 25s
Week 3: 30s
Week 4: 35+
PREP: Dumbbell ER Reps
2-3 x 8-10 reps
Start with a really light weight. Focus on allowing the weight to create more external rotation. Maintain some tension throughout!
A1: Heavy Landmine Press
3-4 x 6-8r
Carry the good form you had from the light version - now we add some more weight to really build strength in the shoulders.
A2: Hamstring - finding it and feeling it
2 x 60-90s of work
Go hunting for a deep stretch in the body of the hamstring - the higher up the better. if you don’t feel it - BEND THE KNEE. The whole point of this is for you to spend time understanding how to find the hamstring. If you don’t let me know session 1 and we’ll do something different.
B1: Forward Lean Parallette Push-Ups (minor turn out)
3 x 8 reps
Lean forward, turn hands out, feel chest engagement.
B2: Three TWO angles leg extension
3 x 16 reps
Use a wall for balance and with the knee held as high as possible extend the leg in front, and then out to the side. Keep changing between these two positions with the knee held high for 16 reps in total.
C1: Handstand Lateral Walks (on the wall)
3 x 30-45s
Now you are staying in a handstand position and trying to tap shoulders! Keep the same good form as before - pushing through the shoulders and trying to smoothly lift one hand and then the other.
C2: Double Elephant Walks
3 x 10-20 reps
Round over and move between bent and straight legs hunting for a deep stretch in the hamstrings. Try to really squeeze the quads and lock out the knees. The aim is to slowly decrease the gap between chest and legs.
D1: German Hang hold
2-3 x 15-30s
Slowly bringing in german hang into push day! This is al about building a bit more resilience in the extended shoulder position. Do NOT allow for any discomfort in the elbows - if you feel it there go back to shoulder extension on the floor and message me.
Using rings or a bar slowly sink your hips down to create a deep stretch in the shoulders. STAY ACTIVE the whole time, pushing the hands down into the rings or bar. To make this easier perform a German Sit.
D2: Passive Hip Flexor with lean back
3 x 10r + 10s
Hunt for a nice deep stretch in the hip flexor and slowly try to arch back. Be sure you don’t collapse into the lower back - think about lengthening through the front of your body.
D1: Dumbbell Bench Press
2-3 x 15-30s
Classic exercise but I would like to focus on using these to create huge pump in the pecs and shoulders. Try to find a nice stretch at the bottom of the position and protract shoulders at the top (this makes it non-standard). Use a good 4s lower for each rep and maybe start with a lighter weight than you expect - its more about pump than shifting huge weight.
E1: Long Lunges
2-3 x 10 reps + 10s hold
Simple and super effective. This is the finisher to get into your hip flexors.