Wall Based Backbends - intermediate
A1: Overhead Hip Flexor Reps
2-3 x 10r (each side)
Set-up with the knee a little away from the wall and on something soft. Push the weight tall overhead (if you have one). Squeeze the glute of the active side to push yourself deeper into the stretch.
A2: Wall Bridge rotations
3 x 8-10 reps
This is the beginning taste of bridge! Keep the fingers horizontal on the wall and focus on actively arching into the position. Be slow and as smooth as possible.
B1: Mexican Reps
3 x 8-12 reps
This is an odd one but amazing for the shoulders. Kick-up and walk your hands away from the wall. keep the feet high on the wall and try to push your chest away from the wall to create a stretch in the thoracic and the shoulders.
C1: Bridge - feet pulling to the floor
3 x 8-10 reps + optional 10-30s in bridge
Squeeze to get those feet pulling to the floor.
C2: Jefferson Curls
3 x 3x10 playing
The aim here is to get the spine to round and do the opposite of all the arching. Play with a light weight to allow the spine to round and extend between each round of the more intense bridge work.