A1: Passive Hang
1-2 x 40-60s
Hang in there.
A2: Lat activation
1-2 x 10-20 reps
The whole focus is for you to find your lats and get them fired up! So go hunting for activation and pay attention to the sensations.
B1: Cable Pull Downs (shoulder width grip)
3 x 8-10 reps
Use whatever machine available to you. Grip width is shoulder width! Depress the scaps then pull down. Try to maximally engage and work your lats and biceps. You can play with leaning forward or a little backwards to help find the best position for you to hit the lats!
C1: Ring rows
3 x 8-12 reps
Start with the rings around hip height. The closer your feet are to the anchor point for the rings, the more difficult. Allow your shoulders to go through the whole range of motion - focussing on squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of each rep.
D1: Biceps - continuous tension
2-3 x 45-60s
Keep tension in the bicep the whole time - don’t let them relax at the bottom of each rep. Try to work as close to failure as possible without losing good form.
All Abs Finisher - Three phases
Dead Bugs 30s - R arm and R Leg moving
30s - L arm and L leg moving
30s - L arm and R leg moving
30s - R arm and L leg moving
Start with 30s for each of the above. Each session try to add 10 or more seconds to each round. Make sure you keep your back connected to the floor at all times - the lower back should never leave the floor. You can check with you free hand.
No rest between the 4 sets, rest 60s before starting on table
Table on Swiss ball
60s of Lift and hold foot 10s
60s of lift foot and bring out to the side
60s of lift foot and make a small circle
Start with 60s of each. Try to keep your hips pushed up throughout. This should make your lower back really work!!
If you haven't got a ball you can prop your back up on a bed, couch, table and do exactly the same.
Baby Crunches
1-3 x 30-60s
Don’t let the neck drive this motion, it should all come from the abs. To make it more difficult start to straighten the arms. Never allow the lower back to arch or lift from the floor.