#2 - Supple shoulders & flexy legs
A1: Down Dog Calf Raises
2-3 x 20r (both sides)
A2: Cross Body Quad Stretch
2-3 x 30-60 seconds
A3: Down dog lift into high foot
2-3 x 10r (both sides)
A4: Pec Stretch on the floor
2-3 x 10-15 breaths
B1: Cubans with dumbbells or dowel
3 x 10-15 reps
Try to add a little weight to this by either using a heavier bar or two dumbbells!
B2: Slight knee elevation, leg low hip flexor (with KB if possible)
3x 30s passive, 20s isometric pushing knee forwards, 20s iso squeezing glute and knee backwards
Avoid letting this drop into your lower back. If you feel it in the lower back try to tuck the hips more.
C1: Segmented shoulders and spine on the wall
3 x 10r + 10-60s as you want
Same as last round - keep the good feelings coming.
C2: Advanced Long Lunge
3 x 10r + 10s hold
D1: Single Arm Bridge hold & pull down
3 x 10-20s each side
The class consists of 3 sets no rest A1: Deadbug Alternating Legs 30s A2: Crunches hands from knees to ankles 30s A3: Alternating little toe touch 30s 4 sets no rest: B1: Side Plank R 20s B2: Side Plank L 20s B3: Elongated plank (hands or elbows) 20s