A - Cartwheels & Cossacks
A1: Pigeon Good Mornings
2-3 x 10 reps
Start with no weight, then if possible add a 5kg plate or something similar. Raise the front leg on a reebok stepper or blocks. The aim should be to find a deep stretch in the back outside of the hip!
Do these ELEVATED on the box if you can - like in the second video. You can chose to do good morning (hinging from the hips) or reps like in the video. Either way you will get a tasty stretch deep in the hip.
B1: Wall or Kick-up Cartwheels
3 x 10 reps
This is a lot about building up control and understanding in handstand but also a great way to stress the shoulders in different angle. Use a wall behind you to start with for confidence. Make sure you kick up with alternating legs - this is can be a big challenge!
B2: Frog Slides
3 x 10r + 10s lift
Back to this beauty! Now we have a little more range I want to try and get that range solidified. Try to hold the end of each rep for 1-3 seconds!
C1: Back to wall Handstand hold
3 x 30-45s
This is about building endurance on your hands. Put on a timer and stay up there for a minimum of 30s.
If you hit 3 x 30 add 5s to each set for the next week (i.e 3x35s)
C2: Weighted Cossack to sit
3 x 10 reps
Use a small weight if you need and find a sit at the bottom of each cossack! If the sit is easy add the Internal rotation!
D1: Roll up Down Dog Push-Up or Lizard Push-Ups
3 x 8-10r or 8r (EACH SIDE)
Downdog: Start in down dog then lower to a plank position. With a straight bodyline from heels to shoulders try to lower the chest down to the floor. Roll-up or push-up back into plank and then lift the hips back into downdog.
Lizard PUs: Do all 8 reps on one side, then on the other (no alternating). The more you move your support foot away from the hands the more difficult this becomes.
D2: Straddle Ups
3 x 5-10 reps
Back to this beauty! Use a block or an object to lift your hips if necessary.
E1: Wall Middle Split (with a band if possible) Don’t do if doing cardio after training (do after the cardio if possible)
1 x 90s
The thicker the band the more intense this gets. Try to relax here as much as possible and slowly let the feet to come down towards the floor. If possible also try to turn the knees down towards the floor (creating external rotation in the hip)