Pull, Hip Rotation, Abduction & Squats
A1: Skin the Cat
3-4 x 5 reps
Now adding in the german hang! Go real slow into the german hang - don’t go too low and don’t lose tension at the bottom.
A2: Bench Pigeon - front and back reps!
3 x 10 + 10
More bench pigeon - this time you want to hit both the front leg and back leg.
B1: Bar Chin-ups
3-4 x 5-6r
Less reps, now with more demand. The aim is to get chest to bar! Do not pike - keep a straight body-line or arched.
B2: Dumbbell Tailor Pose
3 x 10 reps + 10s hold
Use a dumbbell and try to get the knees as close to the floor as possible!
C1: Feet Elevated Rows
3 x 8-10 reps
Line up a box so it’s approximately the same height as the rings and row! Use nice scapular movement (you can do better than the video!)
C2: Pancake Reaches
3 x 10r + 10s or 10r (each rep is a 3s hold)
Pancake reaches: Sit up on something higher - a few blocks or whatever is available. Try to reach as far forward as possible and hold for 3s. Repeat and try to get a little further with each rep.
C1: Single Arm Horizontal - continuous tension sets
2 x 30-60s
Using a cable machine perform a rows focussing on full scapular movements BUT trying to maintain tension in the lat the whole time! Use a weight that lets you work for approx 60s until failure!
D2: Cossacks!
3 x 10-16 reps
More of these - I want to get these super smooth and full range (sitting bum almost down on to the floor).
Easy: on toes
Medium: with hands
Difficult: heel down (use a weight)
E1: ER focussed Reps
3 x 10 reps each side
Focus on allowing the weight to create more external rotation. Maintain some tension throughout!
F1: High Iso Middle splits
3 x 30s of squeezing
Beginning or descent down to middle split. The first thing we want to do is understand how to fight against the stretch.