Pull, Hip Rotation, Abduction & Squats
A1: Skin the Cat
3-4 x 5 reps
Now adding in the german hang! Go real slow into the german hang - don’t go too low and don’t lose tension at the bottom.
A2: Supine Pretzel (pigeon on bench)
3 x 30-60s each side
Go hunt for the deepest possible stretch in the hip. This will directly help with flamingo squats. Let me know if there is any pain or slight discomfort in the knee.
B1: Ring Pulls (leading to MU)
3 x 8-10r
The big focus here is the top position. Pull as high as possible, depress and retract scaps at the top. You can also do the first few reps with a false grip if you want!!
B2: Bent leg Good Morning (add weifhted)
3 x 10 reps + 10s hold
Getting into the pancake game now. We will eventually do this with straight legs but for now we want to find how to get the hips free and rolling! Add a little weight behind the head if you want to maximise downwards force.
C1: Single Arm Scap Pulls
3 x 10 reps each side
Keeping these in as they are really starting to come along!
C2: Straddle Good mornings or Pancake Reaches
3 x 10r + 10s or 10r (each rep is a 3s hold)
Pancake reaches: Sit up on something higher - a few blocks or whatever is available. Try to reach as far forward as possible and hold for 3s. Repeat and try to get a little further with each rep.
D1: Arch Rows
3 x 10-15 reps
The focus here is lats! Aim to pull to the hips for each rep. Try to maintain the pressure down on the rings the whole time to maximally activate Lats!
D2: Cossack build up
3 x 10-16 reps
More of these - I want to get these super smooth and full range (sitting bum almost down on to the floor).
Easy: on toes
Medium: with hands
Difficult: heel down (use a weight)
E1: ER focussed Reps
3 x 10 reps each side
Focus on allowing the weight to create more external rotation. Maintain some tension throughout!
F1: High Iso Middle splits
3 x 30s of squeezing
Beginning or descent down to middle split. The first thing we want to do is understand how to fight against the stretch.