Pull, Hip Rotation, Abduction & Squats
A1: Front Lever Pulls
3-4 x 3-5reps
This may be a new one for you. It’s a way to force you to really depress your shoulders - if you have problems with the set-up at home let me know asap and I’ll switch something else in.
A2: Active Pigeon REPS
3 x 10 reps, 10s pushing, 10s pulling
Approx 90 degrees in the front leg
B1: Alternating Chins
3 x 8-10r
B2: Tailor Pose Reps + Isometric + Block between feet
3 x 10 reps + 10s iso pushing up + 10s iso pushing down
Just as before. BUT NOW you add in a block of small weight between your feet. This will add more difficulty and help us get those knees closer to the ground.
C1: Single Arm Scap Pulls
3 x 10 reps each side
C2: 1/2 Frog Isometric + Lift
3 x 10r + 10r + 30s
Fing a stretch through both sides. Squeeze knee of bent leg and straight leg heel into the floor for 5s then go wider. When you can’t go any wider squeeze a final isometric for 10s. Finally perform a leg lift for 10s really focussing on squeezing the glute to get the foot as high as possible. Keep both elbows locked out straight.
D1: Pelican Push-Ups
3 x 10-15 reps
Start out by making this easy - we want to get you expressing the full range of your scapulars.
D2: Cossack build up
3 x 10-16 reps
Easy: on toes
Medium: with hands
Difficult: heel down (use a weight)
E1: ER focussed Reps
3 x 10 reps each side
Focus on allowing the weight to create more external rotation. Maintain some tension throughout!
E2: Straddle Good Mornings
3 x 10 reps
Keep the arch in the lower back. Try to push the hips back and get body parallel with the floor. Squeeze the quads at the bottom of the rep.