Leg Strength & Spine & Shoulder mob
A1: Single Leg Squats
3 x 8 reps (each side)
Set-up on a high surface
A2: Cat Camel Amped Up
3 x
2-5 normal cat camels 10s with an arched spine finding the muscles in the thoracic 10-20s pulling hands and knees together, still maximally squeezing muscles in thoracic 10s in a rounded position driving hands and knees away from each other.
B1: Toe Squats > Sissy Squats
3 x 10-12 reps
If you can easily keep the heels high the whole time and get all the way down with a straight back for 12 reps let me know and we’ll make it more difficult!
B2: Weighted Shoulder Internal Rotation
3 x 10-15 reps
Start really light and get comfortable with the movement and allowing the shoulder to travel all the way down. Maintain the tension in the shoulder capsule throughout and smoothly raise back to the top each rep.
C1: Weighted knees over toes long lunge
3 x 10-12 reps
Try to get the knee travelling over the toes - you will also find a nice stretch through the hip flexor here.
C2: Bench Thoracic Opener
3 x 30s bent arm, 30s straight arm
Breath big into the ribs!!
D1: Supine thoracic twist
3 x 5-10 breaths each side
Breath deep into the ribs and position your body so you find the stretch in the middle or thoracic spine.
D2: Thoracic Waves on the Wall
3 x 5-10 beautiful slow reps
Really try to get the shoulders and spine working as a whole unit to get the waves.
E1: Tides
3 x 60s of work
This starts out a little odd but is an amazing way to actively open up the thoracic and get the scapulars moving too.
E2: Pec Stretch
3 x 60s each side
Hunt for a deep stretch through the pecs - don’t accept any elbow pain. If you feel discomfort bent the arm a little.