A1: Hip External Rotation - optional 5s isometrics
1-2 x 90s each side
Set-up like in the video. Try to maximise the sensation of stretch deep in the hip socket!
B1: Frog IR Rocks
1-2 x 10 reps + 10-30s passive
Set-up with knees on something soft and as far as apart as comfortable. Tilt hips forwards (twerk) and rock hips backwards. drift hips forward and try to lift one leg - creating internal rotation in that hip. Repeat for reps on one side and then the other.
C1: Heel raise goblet squat
3 x 12-15 reps
Raise your heels on something like a small weight plate. Only go as low as possible without rounding your lower back .
C2: Half frog rotations
3 x 10 rocks
Don’t start super wide with the stance, try to maximally rotate the straight leg for 10r each side.
C1: Hop and blind balance
1-3 x 60 hops + 60s blind balance (each side)
Challenging and can create quite a good burn in the lower leg! If this is super easy let me know and I’ll give you a different finisher.